No será una cortadora por C.N.C pero nos va a sacar de apuros a la hora de emparejar listones, por ejemplo en los bordes de ataque :)
Mi máquina la construí a partir del artículo que transcribo en parte, y más abajo dejo el link
He comprado una fresa para madera, de 3mm pero debo mejorar la forma de montar el mini torno, ya que no puedo lograr cortes precisos al hacer un poquito de fuerza, si obtuve muy buenos resultados al usarla con la lija circular que traen los mini-tornos
I made a very simple cutting machine because to cut FG or CF is quite difficult and requires quite a lot of effort. With this machine I can cut FG or CF like butter and the finishing after some sanding it is very nice.
You just need a dremel or similar mine is a mumbo jumbo make but any of that tools type will work.
For the base is just agglomerated wood, to maintain the tool a couple of screw clamps. The bit is just a standard cutting bit for a dremel.
You just need a dremel or similar mine is a mumbo jumbo make but any of that tools type will work.
For the base is just agglomerated wood, to maintain the tool a couple of screw clamps. The bit is just a standard cutting bit for a dremel.
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